Wednesday, 6 June 2007

stinky breath day

What a stink day!
... you know how sometimes you're just going merrily about you day and each part isn't so bad but for some reason your overall vibe of the day is A%$E! Many, many little frustrations, problems and mysteries all gang up on you and laugh, taunting you with thoughts like "don't get upset- this happens all the time" and "you can't control this problem" and while they are all true still they sit and snicker, muttering nasty things about you behind their hands when they think you're not looking.
Adding to the malaise and general discontent of a day like this one, there are some good things that happen during the day but so distracting and irritating are all the little wee problems, with their laughing and muttering, that the good things are gobbled up and dissolve into what comes to be known as, an a%$e breath day

So, now, to piss off the muttering, chuckling little problems I will now talk about the good bits of my day in an effort to extend their lives and minimize the effect of the a%$e-breath day.
GOOD THING #1. Our Alarm went off this morning. This is good because yesterday (the first day of the week due to a public holiday on Monday in NZ, for all you international readers!) it did not and we awoke stunned and confused an hour after we would usually be woken.
GOOD THING #2. I did 2 loads of washing and now they are inside -not dry, but not soaking wet. Just that kinda cold dryness that you know indicates residual wetness.
GOOD THING #3. I worked with my computer and it did what I wanted it to. This is good because later it did not.
GOOD THING #4. We have a supermarket just three doors down from our house. This is good because I utilized it's facilities not once, not twice, but three times today.
GOOD THING #5. I did a photo job, taking photos of a cool flash house after the sun had set. This is good 'cause it's doing the business I'm (trying) to start, it was fun, I'm getting paid for it and it got me away from the frustrations laughing at me at home
GOOD THING #6. I am now walking out the door to babysit some lovely kids who (usually!) like me and that always feels good, 'cause kids have no reason to bother lying!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Well no wonder HCC blocked me from your blog - such profanity brooke! well I'm glad to hear you chose to be an optimist my friend. Not only is the cup half full of fanta, but there must be some fries that came with it, right?! : )