Friday, 9 November 2007

Man with the Glassons* bag

It was one of those moments when you see something and you just want to laugh, but it's only you, by yourself, and the person you want to laugh at... so you act mature and appropriate and smile sweetly, chuckling to yourself on the inside.

I was walking to work and passed a man with a Glassons bag. He was well dressed in dress pants and jacket, and I recall he was wearing a tie. His hair was nice, freshly washed and styled and his skin looked well kept. Moisturised. Possibly exfoliated. He was standing on the footpath beside a busy road into the city, as though waiting to be picked up. In his hand, which was resting at his side, he held the handles of a Glassons bag, which hung flat and uncrinkled. Inside, visible through the opaque bag decorated with green designer florishes and swirls, I could see a lone banana.

I am all for carpooling, cleanliness, taking pride in ones appearance and fresh fruit snacks at work. Great! But, seriously, this guys looked distinctly emasculated. I think it was the ever phallic symbol of the banana, carefully held in the well-cared-for popular young woman's shop bag that really made the the scene for me.

I'll be walking by the same spot next week, but this time I'm taking my camera!

*Glassons; a popular New Zealand fashion shop for young women, tween-twenties. Sizes 6-16. ...I tried to find an image of the bag, to no avail.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Athens (or roasting and toasting in the old city, back on the Continent)

July and August are typically summer months in Europe. 2007 was no exception. I know; I was there and summer was most definitely out in full force. There were, in fact, many places of notable roasty-toastiness experienced by myself and the husband on our sojourn but none that sticks in the mind with such sweaty lethargy as dear old (indeed, ancient!) Athens.

Geography and latitudinal placement converged on this ancient city to make it a sweltering sauna of ruins, marble and grime. I'm not partial to saunas or grime, but it seems those little gems never make the advertising brochures, or the super adventure stories you hear from well-traveled folk. So here I am, suitably well traveled for the bank account to call me home and armed with some hard-hitting hot truth I'm going to share with you.

Marble. We've seen it in expensive bench-tops and pompous old busts. There's an amount of elitism that colours our perception when we see a place adorned with marble. Not so in Athens. Bricks in buildings and paving are replaced by marble. Concrete steps down to the underground train stations are marble. There is no sand on the beaches but marble pebbles. The gravel on the walkways up to the ancient ruins is marble. School-yard games of marbles are not played with glass balls, but with marble. Holigans avenging themselves throw, not bricks, but marble through the windows of their enemy.

It's everywhere.

Like a noxious weed, only mineral, not vegetable. And the bloody bugger is reflective! So, if you weren't hot already, you have the addition of the sun's burny bright rays bouncing up at you from below as well.
And as well as being a public nuisance and halving the burn time there's the added bonus of it's wear-away-ability and slipperiness. With Aristophanes and Plato and all their mates and all of everyone's family trees ever since running up and down all the pretty marble steps since the dawn of whenever, they're no longer flat. Quite warn away in some places. Once, while resting and hydrating ourselves in a much coveted pool of shadow, we witnessed a sweet defenseless young Asian woman slip and fall, painfully and embarrassingly hurting her ankle.

As if to mock her we came upon a European woman (possibly Italian) prancing 'round the Acropolis in crazy heels. How she got there, or whether she escaped in full possession of both of her legs is anyone's guess.
My only thought is that perhaps she was a professionally-trained, well-paid stunt woman there to inspire and annoy...

Like many much-visited spots the Acropolis boasted a teeming horde of hawkers and sly, over-friendly salesmen. The common object of sale were parasols. There was much to covet in a parasol; their bright colours gave a feeling of laughter and holiday gaiety rarely available outside of Lesbos, and when placed against the shoulder of a young woman there was a sense, by me anyway, of that lady being cared for; treasured; loved- lest the sun should shine down upon her and taint her precious face. Obviously the salesmen were not sly as they could have been for there was a considerable absence of hand-held fanning devices, of both the manual and electronic varieties. Though with heat like we experienced it is quite possible the entire stock of fans had sold out!

Grime was ever-present, but definitely exacerbated by comparison to the gloriously clean, marble underground train stations freshly chiseled into the Ancient soil for the Olympic Games in 2004. It wasn't horrific, but it felt like the whole place had spent a week playing a jolly exciting game of backgammon and not bothered to shower afterwards.

Another contributing factor to grime issue may well have been the blanket ban of toilet paper in toilets and the scent related. After wiping the toileter was required to place soiled paper into the wee bin (lid? no, sorry) beside the loo. To counteract the immanent stink in this hot humid environment there is an sickly sweet artificial scent pervading any and all ablutions facilities.

But, all in all, the stinking hot, griming place is jolly old and, if you're in the neighbourhood, do swing by. But don't get carried away, you'll only need one day, possibly one night if you can't avoid it. And perhaps when you go they will have finished the restoration of the Parthenon and have taken down the scaffolding and shade cloth that got in the way of all the photos but none of the sun.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Thanks for the welcome home, Harry

So I've been round the wide world, singing with the choir and holidaying and generally checking out the place with my man. It was really great, as you'd expect 3 months abroad would be! We've been back for about 5 (or is it 6) weeks now and beginning to feel normal again. It's funny cos you don't think about the shock it's going to be coming back, but you sure notice it pretty quick.

We read a lot while we were traveling, sitting in trains relaxing... it was great. But we managed to hold ourselves back from reading the final Harry Potter book (though we saw it everywhere! and no matter what the currency, it always seemed rather expensive!) Part of the reason for the holding off was due to our (Jay and my) great and epic plan to read the whole series before reading the final book (because we couldn't differentiate what had happened in which books, and details were sketchy...) which we quickly got started on once we got home. We borrowed books from family and friends and read our way through in just over 4weeks. I'm sure how many pages it was but it was quite a few! I noticed aching hand muscles from the bigger books being held in one hand (a must when trying to eat meals and read!) I also utilized my skill at the art of walking and reading thus combining my desires for Harry and physical wellbeing into one constructive use of time. (One kid at a bus stop was moved to utter "Harry Potter!" as my strides took me by him.)

Now, having the read the whole series back to back in all my spare time (including work time when the scanner was scanning and I was otherwise sitting, waiting, doing nothing) I feel refreshed. It is over and done. Harry fought the fight and I was with him til the end. I saw flashes and reflections, echoes of such epics as Lord of the Rings and Star wars (I was anticipating a "Harry, I am your father" from Snape for a moment or two there before I remembered Harry was the spitting image of James!) and other fables and tales I can not name but are familiar (like an ancient lullaby). It was great.

And now, time to move on. To go through and weed out the good photos from the trip, catch up with friends, scrabble through the festive madness and plan for the year to come without the shadow of Voldemort hanging nearby. I can only hope the steps I have taken with Harry will help me tread the ones I have ahead of me with a little more courage, daring and love. Thanks Harry.

Monday, 25 June 2007

the night before the farewell concert

Twas the night before the farewell concert and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even the small son sleeping in the room beside mine.

I came to Auckland on Friday evening after a crazed and rushed day. (My darling husband took the day off to be with me and help me only be whizzed by and shouted instructions at by a frenzied and frantic wife) Rehearsals have been nine hours a day since Saturday. Tomorrow is a morning of rehearsing in the venue, then the afternoon off, then regroup for the concert. Of note is the post-concert reception (I really must learn the expectations and customs of these strange and exciting events before our grand Concert and Reception, to be thrown by none other than the High Commissioner in London!) I imagine it will include a tad more than the good old fishn'chips and sausage rolls one often finds after a rugby match- ah! It's good to be a chorister!

Have thrown in a swanky, low-cut yet thoroughly un-crushable black dress I picked up in the Hamilton sales over the New Years period! Will report back on these exciting occassions, and the swanky dress.

Should also report that I am feeling altogether most excited about the fact that my Big Fat Soprano Voice is back and as bad as ever (ie bad=good)
[Had perviously been having issues with the new and developing B.F.S.V. and trying to subtly snuggle it into the cosy blend of TOWER New Zeland Youth Choir blend... misguided and unhealthy methods lead to the B.F.S.V disappearing in disgust... after much character-buildingly-painful anguish, singing lessons and visits to qualified specialist it appears the B.F.S.V and I am working together for the good of all concerned!]
Recent reconfigurations of choristers positioning have helped to make my (and others) BFSV fit into the mix a lot better and, thus, made it easy to use the voice I've got. Feeling good about that. I'm sooo over mental anguish and torment!

Feeling tired, from working hard, but excited about impending trip! It still doesn't feel real... perhaps the farewell concert will deal to that.

... and saying "See you later" to beloved husband...

Saturday, 16 June 2007

the hinitative... or H initiative

God bless gmail for there targeted ads! Recently, thanks to the good folks at Google, I received a link to a wee gem of a website and I was pleasantly surprised to find some good kiwi folk doing something which has been brewing in my creative vat of goodness for many a good month

[Isn't it odd how you offer hear of two (or more) people have the same, or similar ideas as the same, or similar times!?! Richard Pearce and the Wright Bros... that person who went to Glassons and bought the same top as you and decided they'd wear it with their black pants on the same day... the hinitiative and Brooke's idea to design tee shirts to sell to raise funds for specific causes... Yup- it's odd alright!]

I thought it was cool and thought it looked like something I'd be interested in gettin' involved with when I'm back from Europe (Wow- that sounds sooo cool!) with a little time on my hands...

tomorrow's leaders

If you are happy and you do, know it, is it really that appropriate to clap your hands?

And if you are not happy, or indeed, are happy but unaware of your true feelings, will you mindlessly clap your hands along with all the rest of The Happy People and thus increase the number of hand clappers to reflect an untrue result?

And if this is the case, how do we know how many people really are happy and how many are just being swayed by the tide?

And has anyone considered the folks who are not happy, but just enjoy a good hand clap to let off a bit of steam!?!

If hand clapping/happiness indication is what we are teaching the young people today, in a pressured over-hyped atmosphere, what hope do we have of authenticity and even-tempered self awareness in the leaders of tomorrow?

How to plan the trip of a lifetime, for two or more ppl

This week Husband and I have decided where we want to go and put together an itinerary for our Fabulous Baker Tour of Europodiean Isles... it was difficult working out where to go and at the beginning I was all at sea as to how, indeed, one should go about deciding where to go, when one has not been before and one doesn't know all there is to see, or how the group will best travel... should we go to less places for longer time or many place briefly so as to see much and therefore increase the chances of finding a cool place to be the jewel of the trip, that you can show photos and tell stories of to inspire wonderment and jealousy in all who hear and/or see!?!

I felt going to many place was the best idea, but Jay felt more lead toward the fewer-longer school of thought. Though I bought in to the many-briefly style I did not know which destination those many should be! As you can imagine this was somewhat troubling for me (and a difficult angle to debate in favour of, when you're lacking in destinations to assert!)

So, finally, 12 sleeps out from my leaving home (to go on tour with my choir for a month, before meeting Jay in Spain) we hit upon a plan that was to see us piece together a itinerary that included sights, destinations and experiences to cater to the whole group!

Today I will share with you that plan!

Here is the plan in an easy 4 step method:
a) Request for all said members of said group to personally and privately formulate a list of places/thing they would like to see/do.
b) Group members compile individual lists into one definitive list (you may choose to ask members to rank their selection and/or to highlight activities multiple group members have submitted. It is also handy to note down how long you think you will need for each activity, to help work out how long you will need to schedule in each place)
c) Organise the list into countries and city/town/area/region type groups and work out an efficient route to visit all destinations.
d) Take your plans to the Travel Agent... it may help to consider the mode of transport most suited to each of the different journeys you will be making, and research this on the internet before you visit the dirty old T.A.

That is what we did- now we're waiting for the travel agent to get back to us, with prices, availability and options.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

stinky breath day

What a stink day!
... you know how sometimes you're just going merrily about you day and each part isn't so bad but for some reason your overall vibe of the day is A%$E! Many, many little frustrations, problems and mysteries all gang up on you and laugh, taunting you with thoughts like "don't get upset- this happens all the time" and "you can't control this problem" and while they are all true still they sit and snicker, muttering nasty things about you behind their hands when they think you're not looking.
Adding to the malaise and general discontent of a day like this one, there are some good things that happen during the day but so distracting and irritating are all the little wee problems, with their laughing and muttering, that the good things are gobbled up and dissolve into what comes to be known as, an a%$e breath day

So, now, to piss off the muttering, chuckling little problems I will now talk about the good bits of my day in an effort to extend their lives and minimize the effect of the a%$e-breath day.
GOOD THING #1. Our Alarm went off this morning. This is good because yesterday (the first day of the week due to a public holiday on Monday in NZ, for all you international readers!) it did not and we awoke stunned and confused an hour after we would usually be woken.
GOOD THING #2. I did 2 loads of washing and now they are inside -not dry, but not soaking wet. Just that kinda cold dryness that you know indicates residual wetness.
GOOD THING #3. I worked with my computer and it did what I wanted it to. This is good because later it did not.
GOOD THING #4. We have a supermarket just three doors down from our house. This is good because I utilized it's facilities not once, not twice, but three times today.
GOOD THING #5. I did a photo job, taking photos of a cool flash house after the sun had set. This is good 'cause it's doing the business I'm (trying) to start, it was fun, I'm getting paid for it and it got me away from the frustrations laughing at me at home
GOOD THING #6. I am now walking out the door to babysit some lovely kids who (usually!) like me and that always feels good, 'cause kids have no reason to bother lying!

Monday, 4 June 2007

Alternative Worship at Connect

Our church has a "connect" service every first and third Sunday nights of each month, including just yesterday. Connect is one of five faith communities based from our church, Discovery Christian Centre, for 18ish-30ish yr old type people and our services are cafe-styled kinda things with an interactive message that often include discussion questions for around the tables and a big old break to grab another coffee and or cake.

So that's the context, the community. As I stated in a recent post I was organising Worship for Connect this week and was looking into various ideas of Alternative Worship. I did it and it went really well, so I thought it would be beneficial to feed back (and record!) what, exactly, I did.

The gathering began with an extended "social" cafe time (fellowship) chatting with one another round the tables. Then we went into discussion about what Connect could actually, actively do around the place (follow on from last connect gathering)
Then came worship. The main lights were turned off, leaving nice mood lighting from lamps directed up the walls and candles on different tables around the walls. A Karanga was heard as part of a song by Jazz/fusion NZ Christian band Chris Mason Batley Group using the unique Maori welcome cry in a Christian context as a cry of welcome to the Holy Spirit with woman's voice and haunting saxophone crying in counterpoint to one another. As the music played, text on the screen welcomed viewers/congregation to bring all that they are to worship, listing such things as "joys and fears," "faith and doubts" "Culture and Sensuality" amongst others. "God is here and all are welcome" it stated and invited people to express themselves to God. As the song ended participants were invited to visit any or all the stations set up around the room, or to "sit, read, write or pray" alone at their table if they wanted.
There were 6 stations against the walls. They each had a printed A4 of "instructions" on the wall with some candles on the table beneath for light.

1. David wrote Psalms to God as a way of being authentic to God and expressing himself… Take time to write your own psalm, or use pieces of psalms from the bible to create one appropriate for where you are

2. Write a letter…to God, to someone from whom you seek forgiveness, to yourself as a reminder of God’s work in your life

3.We often use songs as part of our worship. Think of words from worship songs
that resonate with you and piece together your own unique song to God.

4. Use colours and shapes to express yourself to God

5. Look at the cross. Read the stories. Think of what happened that day.
Stop. Reflect. Respond.
His body broken for you
His blood poured out for you

(this station included print outs of appropriate Bible verses, from The Message translation. There was a cross leaning against the wall for people to consider, a bowl of chunks of a selection of specialty breads and a bowl of coke with a ladle and glasses for people to pour themselves and drink and partake in communion in their own time.)

6. Take your single candle. Using the flame from the big candle, light your own. Offer prayers and thanks as you place your candle in Cross. You are part of something
bigger than yourself

(there was a small table with a pile of unlit small round "tea light" candles. Participants took a candle and took it to the front of the church and lit it from a big candle on a deflowered flower pedestal. From there they walked up the 3 steps to the raised 'stage' thing at the front of the church where I had stacked some hollow-stone blocks into the shape of a cross. People took their lit candles and placed them inside one of the free compartments of a hollow-stone block. I'll try to post a photo)

After ten minutes music started to play again and the screen read "Enjoy the music. We will join in prayer at the end of the song". The song was "Karakia" also by Chris Mason Batley Group, also fusing elements of New Zealand culture with Christian meaning, this time it was the Lord's Prayer spoken over chilled jazz, first in Maori, then Mandarin, Samoan and English - as from the Message Translation The cues on the screen prompted participants to stand and join in prayer, following the words on the screen for the English version of the Lords' Prayer. As the music died away people kept on with the things (writing, drawing etc) they had started and the vibe was very chilled and easy. When people finished they left the room to chat. It went really well.
If anyone would like a digital version of any of the resources I created you are most welcome to email

THUNDER (the cool silent art auction) is over...

THUNDER, my big dirty old silent fundraising art auction is officially over. It finished on Saturday night with the "Hammerfall party" which really wasn't the happening place to be for Queens' Birthday Weekend Saturday night. Many people went holidaying for the long weekend while others stayed in to watch the All Blacks game. So there wasn't the party atmosphere and there were no bids on the night but the auctions did finish and money, ultimately, was made. $837 to be exact. I suppose that's pretty good- I'm definitely happy with it. Still wouldn't mind an anonymous generous backer to come forward, but all in quite ok with how things went.
(Anyone thinking or looking at running their own silent art auction please feel free to contact me for info on how I did it.)

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Melva's Sticky Date Pud

Melva's Sticky Date Pudding
This is my friends Melva's all time favourite dessert, now a hit with me too- super good quick, easy recipe great which simply screams "tremble at my feet- I'm a freakin' gourmet whiz" for any occasion... I reckon the addition of a few simple walnuts could have those partaking of this dish rushing to give you titles, medals, cash prizes, family heirlooms and other such highly valued sundry items! Best served with plain vanilla or french vanilla icecream to compliment the sweet saucy goodness.

1 cup dates, pitted & chopped
1 tsp baking soda
1c boiling water
2T butter
1c soft brown sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2c self-raising flour (1 1/2c flour & 2t baking powder)

Preheat oven to 180degC.
Mix the dates and baking soda in a bowl. Pour boiling water on top and leave until needed.
Cream butter and sugar, then add eggs one at a time, beat well after each addition. Fold in the sifted flour, stir int he date mixture and pour into a greased 18cm square or round cake tin.
Bake for 30-40mins until a skewer comes out clean.

For the sauce: combine ingredients in a saucepan-add cream last once sugar is dissolved and mixture is gently bubbling. Simmer for 5mins. Keep stirring so it doesn't stick on the bottom.
Set aside until ready to serve.
Sauce #1: 1c soft brown sugar, 3/4 c whipping cream, 1t vanilla, 2T butter
Sauce #2: 3/4 c brown sugar, 1/4c cream, 2T golden syrup, 1/4c butter
(I mix and match the sauce from the ingredients I have at the time...I usually do sauce one and include golden syrup instead of vanilla).

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

O.E.... Y?

So what's the deal with travel?

I don't think it's bad or wrong or anything. In fact I'm about to embark in a overseas sojourn with my husband around Europe for two months! (after traveling with my choir for 1 month) But why do we do it? I mean, I know the Eiffel Tower exists, but if I'm anywhere in the vicinity I find directions, go there and look it. Why? It's not that I didn't believe all the other people who have already seen it. I've seen photos, I've heard stories- yet I will go there. It is a fair bet to say that Jay and I will go to visit the Eiffel Tower when we are in Paris. How odd. I don't imagine it will bring any new and exciting revelations into our lives. It won't change the way we see the world. But we will go there.

Oh how strange we human creatures are!

Is it just me or is it weird to leave all you know, those we love and the communities to which we belong to see other places and stuff. Are we peeking into someone else's reality to avoid our own? Or is that just a guise to meet different people and see if we might be happier elsewhere? or to find out if we're at all similar or very different? or to glean information, learn things from them that we don't know?

And the weirdest thing is I feel the most "kiwi" when I'm away from here. I feel somehow proud of our distant speck of dirt in the Antipodes, happy in the knowledge that far-off, richly blessed Aotearoa is the place I call home.

The stranger on a strangers' fridge

I just got another phone call from a local stranger who read in the local paper about my screenprinted tops fundraising initiative. That's good- I got the lady's details and took her order and it's all happening. Great!

But I can't help but think that the article was run for one day about 3 weeks ago... Why did you ring now? Did you keep the article to forget about for a while then remember and think "ah! Yes, I really must ring that young woman and buy one of her shirts" Was I sitting on your fridge? Or did someone else see the article and think of you, put it in an envelope and keep it in their handbag 'til they saw you?

How strange to think that I might be the stranger on a strangers' fridge.

Monday, 28 May 2007

out-of-the-box worship: initial thoughts

I've been asked to put something together for worship for "connect" the 18-30ish postmodern-ish faith community, this coming Sunday. I want engage the group with something different and meaningful and so I've been going to a snoop around the intraweb. I'm looking into doing some alternative worship type thing. I've stumbled across a bunch of really interesting sites
Please check 'em out and let me know what you think and I'll let you know what I come up with in the end. Should be fun... alternative worship is so rich and creative and diverse- drawing from a range of Christian traditions but creatively translating them to be relevant now!
I'm loving it.

Definately something I'd like to explore more.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

Radio ga ga

Well, that was a fizzer! The whole thing seemed to really underscore my perception that no one gives a tinkers cuss about the struggling choristers of this land!

I rushed from a prior arrangement (playing guitar at church) to arrive early for our arranged 12:30 - 1pm slot, anticipating that we could possibly meet and talk before we went on-air... to no avail! The guy was with another guest, an interesting sounding young Scottish woman (fab accent!) who, it became apparent, had been working for the radio station and was just preparing to leave them. It dragged on until some other co-worker (I presume) arrived about 12:45 to present her with a greenstone pendant. It was lovely and, I'm sure, appropriate but it did leaving me feeling as though my time was less than valued... when I was finally ushered into the hot seat it was to listen to 8 minutes of detailed national news (it was 1pm by now) before ripping into the interview with very little time to talk about the direction the discussion was likely to take... or anything really.

The conversation meandered all over the place including the full names of my parents and the interviewers line of enquiry leading to the romantic hope that my family sang together at public engagements. I replied No... we're not the von Trapp family!
Does that sound rude? Could that be considered as controversial? A large percentage of me hopes it is- is that wrong!?!
I also was amused by Mel's introduction. Something along the lines of "While other young people we hear about in the news are doing wheelies in their cars and downloading music for their ipod's it is refreshing to know that there are some who care about and participate in The Arts through the medium of music, specifically the Human Voice in the Choral context" If you think that sounds over-the-top you must add the fact that he has a deep, boomy voice that he obviously knows is a "perfect radio voice" and he used it with variation of pitch and speed to further accentuate point and air of intelligence. God bless the volunteers of free-to-air local community radio!

Another point in proceedings that springs to mind is when Bruce, the technician/producer guy, broke in when we were on the subject of fundraising for my trip with the choir. "I have to ask, are you doing any busking?" which I replied "Ah, no. No. While I can sing I haven't quite mastered the art of singing multiple parts in harmony with one another."
What a cheeky little chorister!
The technician played an ad halfway through Mendelssohn's "Ehre Sei Gott" to cut it short. He ejected the CD, passed it to me and bid me farewell as the host ushered in the next important guests, whom they wanted to start on time with, some local active retirees, starting a new Probus club.
I put in my ears buds and selected shuffle as spun a donut in the car park.

Saturday, 26 May 2007

Keep your ears to the waves...

Exciting news! I am going to be appearing as a guest on Mel Driscolls' "Cosmopolitan News and Views" on Community Radio Hamilton AM1206 & FM106.7 tomorrow (Sunday 27th May) at 12:30pm as a special guest from the community. Click on the big button marked "LISTEN ONLINE" for the interview streamed live.

It seems their guests are a "suprise" from week to week so while the listeners have no idea that I am the special guest awaiting the microphone this particular week, they will be expecting some colourful, controversial, committed characters who make our community richer for the sharing of their experiences.

Here's hope I take enough colour, controversy and commitment with me!

Will feed back with how it goes and any links to a audio download after the event. Jolly exciting!

Friday, 25 May 2007

healthy and quick ...

2 cups Chicken stock
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1 tsp Grated Lemon Zest stuff
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
2 tsp Olive Oil
Combine everything in a pot, bringing to the boil uncovered
Remove from heat.
Stir in 1 cup Couscous
Put lid on and stand (ie the pot- not you. You should sit... with a drink! ...And crackers and hummus!!!) for 5 minutes
Fluff with a folk and serve.

Mmmm- there's something so yum about the lemon in it!

You can other stuff to jazz it up. Some ideas would be
snow peas
Pine nuts
onions and garlic...

Thursday, 24 May 2007


* (Please excuse the long sentences... still getting used to this)

So, I'm getting ready to travel overseas on tour with my choir. We're going for a month and we each have to pay $4000 each and $1000 each per region (ie if there are 10 member in one town they have to work together to raise $10,000)... but as I'm the only choir member in my region it's just an extra $1000 and it's all me- $5000!
So I did a movie night which pretty much bombed. It could have been good but I started advertising it too late and there were a bunch of people who (they said) would have come if it weren't for...*insert reason here*... Miraculously managed to make a wee bit on that one (thankfully, when it looked like I was going to be lucky to break even!)

Great plan #2 was my Silent Art Auction. I have a tradition with a couple of girlfriends of meeting for coffee on Friday night after work, to talk and unwind after the week (I really recommend it, by the way- a problem shared is less of a problem!) So I approached our regular Friday after-work coffee hang out, "La Commune" about doing it there over a period of a month or so, highlighting how it would beneficial for the cafe with the idea of the auction being that you would go back and check your auction, in an attempt to win the art. The manager/owner dude was totally sweet about it and so we booked May into our diaries. I approached a whole bunch of artist friends (one of the reason I thought of the art auction was all the arty peeps I am lucky to call friends) and a few generous darlings gave me some work for me to auction. I also found/created a eclectic selection of my own work to go in there. So "THUNDER: the cool silent auction" has been up since the 1st of May... it was really slow at the beginning and I was down in the dumps- doubting my "stupid idea" and generally trying to avoid thinking about it, but it seems to have picked up and I once again have a bit of hope in the thing. I like that it's got me doing art again too... what's an artist without a deadline- honestly, I don't know many arty folk who just decide they'll get our their desired medium and create a masterpiece. I wonder why that is!?! Anyway it's been good for that. So THUNDER's due to come down at the end of the month and I talked with Cam and we is havin' a party to see it off. It's all happening on Saturday night, June 2nd- Queen's b'day weekend Saturday night. At the mo I'm thinking the plan will be to have all the auctions finishing that night- maybe 1opm... but maybe I'll stagger the ending of each auction to get the blood pumping and crowd brawling and all that!

My other big fundraising idea (or Plan #3) was screenprinting and selling cool designer fashions . I designed a... design (!) for tops- hoodies, sleeveless hoods and tees (+ I've done a couple of polos and thermal tees) I call the range "Choral Thug". It has the word SING across the top in a bit of an arch (like those typical USA university jerseys) as well as "all my LIFE" (a play in the "Est 1979" kinda thing you see everywhere), a big S/A/T/B (for the 4 sections of the choir- Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass - buyers get to choose the letter to suit) and "Aotearoa Waiata" at the bottom (translation: New Zealand Songs". Yuh so that one has been going quite well... local folk have been emailing orders through after seeing the article in the local paper so that's been good. I'm hoping to go and visit a couple of the local choirs to rally support (in the way of hoodie sales)... we'll see how that goes.

Overall, though, I have come to agree with my wise husband... it is SOOOO much more efficient to just work at you job and pay the dosh yourself!

Monday, 14 May 2007

Here's me fundraising and getting the local media all going and that!

Monday Musings

So I've write emails quite often and I've been thinking about how I sign off my emails. You don't say "Yours Sincerely" or anything like that but what are you 'meant' to say?
I have struck upon the thought that, to infuse a bit of humour into your day, it could be fun to sign off emails a little differently... Instead of the fun and friendly "Later Skater" you could try- "Later Slater" or "Later Scatter-brain" or "Later Dickhead"
If you often use "See you later" you could try "See ya- wouldn't wanna be ya" or "See you when I'm looking at yo ugly mug" or "(I hope I don't have to) See you later"
It seems many people think it fun to play with common rhymes. In place of "No probs corn cobs" try "No probs dick face" or "over and out, arse breath"
Rather than "Goodbye porkpie" substitute "Goodbye fart-breath" or "Goodbye lard-arse"

You could add a touch of intellectualism and quote famous sign-off lines such as
"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits" (S Hussein)
"Eat my shorts" (Bart Simpson)
"Kinds retards" (Winstone Churchill)
"Sincere commiserations to your Mother" (Robin Williams)

I wonder if engrish might have a special place in new and exciting email sign-offs... instead of using the english language to make sense it could be rewarding to use it more artistically
"Happy day to shine you on" or "happiness rarely last as long as life is long. Be happy you on this day then"

I would appreciate any feed back and idea regarding this matter. I feel a revolution coming on!

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Here we go....

Hello world!
All the cool kids are doing it, so here I am!
Let's see what happens.
Peace ya'll